Category: Newsfeed
Reasons to Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide
Advocates for Better Care have a flier (available below) listing 6 reasons to oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)
Video: Assisted Suicide is Not the Answer
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC), Advocates for Better Care and the Scholl Institute of Bioethics hosted a national conference on Saturday October 21, 2023 in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA. The order of speakers are as follows: Alex Schadenberg, Edward Rivet, Genevieve Marnon, Meghan Schrader, Wesley Smith, Josephine Glaser, and Betty Odello.
Video: March for Life in Lansing
Duration: 5:47
RLM Announced Legal Challenge to Constitutionality of Proposal 3
Wednesday, November 8, on the steps of the Lansing Capitol building, Right to Life of Michigan (RLM) President Barbara Listing announced the organization is one of 16 plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging central elements of Proposal 3 on federal constitutional grounds. The legal complaint, filed earlier that morning, comes one year to the day after…
March for Life, Lansing Michigan
Photos taken November 8, 2023
Nov-2 Update on the RHA
While most of our pro-life laws will be repealed with the passage of this bill package, your calls and emails made a difference. Abortion supporters are very disappointed that they didn’t get a repeal of the parental consent law, the Medicaid funding ban, and the informed consent law – we’ll take it as a win!
Michigan Legislators Introduce Bill to Repeal Michigan’s Surrogacy Regulations
Under Michigan’s current law, surrogacy contracts are illegal. This means that you cannot pay a woman to carry a child for you but you can have an altruistic surrogate. Altruistic surrogates are women who volunteer to carry the child and are typically family members or friends to the parents.
Guest Post: Hospice and Palliative Care Do Differ
Understanding the difference between hospice and palliative care is important in deciding the plan of care in any person diagnosed with a serious illness. The clinical teams of both are there to help the patient live their God-given gift of life as completely as possible.