On Women’s History Month

Statement by Right to Life of Michigan President Amber Roseboom on Women’s History Month

Released: March 1, 2024

During Women’s History Month, we celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of women across a broad spectrum of our society – the arts, entertainment, sports, politics, government, business, faith, and of course the home.

Yet, while our friends and neighbors in communities across Michigan join to celebrate the many achievements of women, abortion-only Democrats in Washington D.C. and Lansing are instead attempting to mislead women with an election-year fantasy that abortion access in Michigan will evaporate under a national “ban.”

Women in Michigan are savvy enough to see through this farce.

As a result of Proposal 3 passing in 2022, a woman in Michigan can make a choice for abortion for any reason, at any point in her pregnancy. There is nothing that can be done in our state legislature to change that reality. The fantasy that congressional Republicans are passing a national ‘ban’ as it is being called, really a gestational limit on the window of time in which a woman can have an abortion, is an election-year fantasy dreamed up by Democrats desperate to turn out their base.

At stake now are common-sense protections for women, parents, and children, including the unborn, protections that are supported by the large majority of Michigan voters. Abortion-only Democrats have announced their intention to remove parental consent for a minor seeking an abortion and strip a woman’s right to know about the risks associated with abortion by removing informed consent.

These threats are on the heels of Governor Whitmer and the state Democrats removing standard health and safety regulations for abortion clinics last fall, putting women at even greater risk of harm. And, as you know, Governor Whitmer and state Democrats even legalized partial-birth abortion.

This means we must work to elect and support prolife candidates in the days and months ahead, candidates who will defend these important protections for Michiganders of all ages.

Beyond this, at Right to Life of Michigan, we advocate for women every single day, all year long. We are here for women who are experiencing the stress and uncertainty of an unplanned pregnancy. Many times, women in crisis find themselves to be all alone. Other times, they’re being pressured, bullied, or even coerced into a life-altering decision to abort their child. If a woman is pregnant and needs help, we urge her to consider making a choice for life and call or text 1-800-712-HELP. Pregnancy Resource Centers across the state offer hope for the future and confidential support services.

May we join together to truly support women and to stand with them in making a hope filled, courageous choice for life.