Terrorism in the Classroom: What “Fighting Like Hell” Gets You

By Chris Gast, Right to Life of Michigan Education Coordinator

It wasn’t a busy news week for insanity on Michigan college campuses. It should have been a very busy news week: how often do university professors incite violence or steal from students?

On Monday, we learned that a Wayne State University English professor has been suspended. Dr. Steven Shaviro wrote a Facebook post Sunday justifying the assassination of “right wing” speakers on campus. While the post doesn’t specifically mention prolife people, I highly doubt Dr. Shaviro believes prolife speakers should avoid the fate of being murdered for their views.

On Tuesday, we learned that a Michigan State University professor was forcing her students to subscribe to her “Patriarchy Rebellion Community” website. Dr. Amy Wisner said the website’s purpose was a “safe place to coordinate our efforts to burn everything to the f—ing ground.” Dr. Wisner also said she would donate 100% of the students’ fees to Planned Parenthood.

Did you hear about these stories? Did any “reputable” publications in Michigan focus on these? This isn’t just a case of one professor saying something ridiculous and getting punished for it. This isn’t some low-level political party appointee putting his foot in his mouth. These are two cases of professors at public universities encouraging their students to engage in terrorism.

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