Faith & Life
monthly news from Right to Life of Michigan
Author: Ken Stults
Original date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It’s hard to imagine the stakes getting any higher for this election…but Kamala Harris just doubled down on her abortion-obsessed agenda!
She is already the most abortion-obsessed candidate that we have ever had for president (see here for details).
But she just told NBC news that she is unequivocally opposed to a religious exemption for abortion!
Let that sink in for just a minute and think about the implications:
- Consider a medical doctor whose faith doesn’t allow them to perform an abortion. It could be a matter of violating her values and do the abortion or lose her license!
- Or consider a nurse who can currently choose not to assist in an abortion because it is against their faith. Their job could now be on the line just for being true to what they believe!
- Businesses that are currently able to opt out of providing medical insurance for abortions would very likely lose that exemption. Can you imagine?
I am calling every pro-life person to action!
Pastors – this latest statement is an attack against the faith-based community, so action is urgently needed.
- Please let your congregation or parish know in every way possible.
- Please make this a matter of prayer in all your gatherings between now and November 5.
Please do everything you can to make sure that everyone you know is aware of this latest attack on life.
VOTE! Every one of us must vote. Every one of us must talk to friends and family and encourage all pro-life voters to vote…even to vote early. Early voting starts on Saturday, October 26 (you find your early voting info here). You can find your full pro-life ballot at
Ken Stults,
RLM Director of Operations