New report exposes botched procedures, poor conditions at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics
The New York Times reported on botched procedures, untrained staff and poor clinic conditions in Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country. The story is covered by many reporters who take an opportunity to expound on Planned Parenthood’s history of problems and Trump’s promise to defund them.
In a report by the New York Times published Saturday, Feb. 15, over 50 current and former Planned Parenthood employees give examples of how clinics are mismanaged and the staff underpaid while the organization raked in millions after Roe v. Wade was overturned.
The report (which is behind a paywall) made news on other websites.
On “Washington Stand” Chuck Donovan took the occasion to highlight some longstanding problems at Planned Parenthood and calls for President Trump to honor his 2016 pledge to defund it.
The account of troubled conditions at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country reads like an investigative report from a pro-life action group. According to the 3,500+ word story, Planned Parenthood is a decidedly dispiriting and substandard place to work…
The Times does cite financial woes as a source of the clinics’ challenges with staffing and basic cleanliness, but its report is also frank about the reality that Planned Parenthood raises and spends vast sums at the national level on politics and abortion advocacy, as well as on extremely high salaries for executives at its various enterprises. But these putative reasons for Planned Parenthood’s dire straits are hard to square with what publicly available documents, including some cited by the Times, say about Planned Parenthood’s record revenue and sharply declining client base.
Don’t miss Donovan’s insightful and short article [here].
News on the report was covered by other sites as well. On Hotair John Sexton provides even more details while highlighting some of the shortcomings of the NYT report:
I was out of town last weekend when the NY Times published this story about Planned Parenthood so I missed seeing it. But despite being a few days old it’s definitely worth a mention here on the site. It’s titled “Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis” which gives you a pretty good idea that this is not an upbeat story about America’s top abortion provider… In fact, the story opens with a botched abortion…
…The implication is that the labor was brought on by something done by Planned Parenthood, but again we don’t get those details. As far as the Times is concerned, the victim here is the woman, not the baby.
This is another not to be missed article on the NYT’s report.
So why am I not teasing the New York Times report? Because it’s behind a paywall. But if you want to read it you can find it here. (There is an option to read a limited number of articles for free if you sign up for an account).
As of March 4 it was still up.