Author: RLM Staff
Original date: December 5, 2024
As Michigan’s state legislature prepares for the newly-elected officials to begin their terms in 2025, the lame duck period has seen the introduction of three harmful bills; House Bill 6068 and the identical Senate Bill 1082 and House Bill 6077. With the lame duck session now underway, it is essential that we contact our legislators and urge them to vote NO on these bills.
House Bill 6068 was introduced late on 11/12/2024 with plans to rush the bill through before the end of the 2024 legislative session.
This bill would:
- Allow sex education classes to teach children where and how to obtain an abortion.
- Remove teaching that abstinence is a healthy lifestyle for non-married persons.
- Remove all references to “family planning” and replace with “sexual health.”
- Include information on all FDA approved contraceptives and all “legally available pregnancy outcomes,” which includes types of abortion available.
- Require teaching about sexual orientation, gender expression, and various gender relationships.
Though there is a provision of the bill allowing parents to “opt out” their children from these classes, there is no alternative course that would teach biologically based sexual education.
Additionally, Senate Bill 1082 and House Bill 6077 are identical bills that were recently introduced with similar plans to be rushed through before the end of the 2023-2024 term.
These dangerous bills:
- Seek to limit choices presented to a woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, so abortion seems the only option.
- Censor the information women are able to see by preventing ads for pregnancy centers from being sent to women within 1,850 feet of an abortion clinic. This is extraordinarily broad and will impact surrounding facilities, especially in urban areas.
- Engage our state government in the unethical undermining of Pregnancy Resource Centers, suggesting they engage in “the use of a deceptive design” because they offer life-affirming options to a woman considering an abortion.
Though this bill is written with language which covers any “reproductive health” data, it specifically carves out abortion clinics and targets organizations who attempt to offer options that extend beyond abortion.
Please fill out the form and urge your legislator to vote NO on HB 6068 and the identical SB 1082 and HB 6077 using the button below.