Pro-abortion legislators and state leaders are moving quickly to increase access to abortion and it has nothing to do with empowering women and everything to do with expanding abortion and aiding Planned Parenthood so it can continue as the nation’s largest abortion provider. The first laws to be targeted are TRAP laws.
What are TRAP laws?
Planned Parenthood calls all laws that require abortion clinics to follow the same regulations as other free-standing surgery clinics regarding patient safety and health standards “TRAP laws” … The term was created by pro-abortion apologists who wanted to create sympathy for abortion providers.
But they are the same regulations that other out-patient surgery clinics observe.
Planned Parenthood calls all laws that require abortion clinics to follow the same regulations as other free-standing surgery clinics regarding patient safety and health standards TRAP laws: Targeted Restrictions on Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws. The term “TRAP Law” was created by pro-abortion apologists who wanted to create sympathy for abortion providers. Planned Parenthood say such laws are costly, severe, and medically unnecessary requirements imposed on abortion providers and women’s health centers.
But they are the same regulations that other out-patient surgery clinics observe. Laws that ensure a clean environment, health standards, and standards of care. Clinic regulations require hallways to be a certain length in case emergency responders need to access the patient. These laws ensure that if a patient requires to be moved to the hospital via ambulance, the gurney used to move the patient will fit through the doors and down the halls. The regulations also require a certain number of staff and physicians to be present. These ensure the best practice of care for the patients and the cleanliness of the clinics. These are all common sense and for the benefit of the woman.
Perhaps not so much for the abortionists.
Another burdensome law – for Planned Parenthood — is The Informed Consent for Abortion Law which states:
This law requires abortionists to give women information about what abortion procedure they will have, the name of the doctor, line drawings of the gestational age of their unborn baby, other options to abortion like adoption, and at least one day to review the material (24-hour waiting period). A physician must also confirm the woman’s pregnancy, provide a written summary describing abortion, risks, alternatives, and risks of full term pregnancy. A woman must give written consent and be informed of her right to withhold or withdraw consent. The physician must provide the woman with a copy of the signed consent form.
The American Medical Association’s own Code of Medical Ethics says “Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law.” The current informed consent regulations for abortion in Michigan were developed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in consultation with medical professionals and enforced by every past administration, regardless of political persuasion. To those who claim that this law burdens women and forces them to make two trips to the abortion facility within 24 hours, this is simply not accurate as women can access and sign the materials at home and then go to their appointment.
And there is more. Here is an article from the Detroit News which tells of life after the Dobbs decision by the U. S. Supreme Court and how it has impacted Michigan:
1 year after Roe overturned, more women seeking abortions turn to Michigan by Melissa Nann Burke – The Detroit News.