(Get to know Danny Earl, RLM’s Content Contributor and Event Coordinator. This is the first monthly blog from Danny. The first Friday of each month, he will post a new blog, so stay tuned. We hope you enjoy Danny’s Desk!)

Author: Danny Earl,
Original date: September 9, 2024
“Most women ‘choose’ abortion precisely because they believe they have no other choice.”
— Serrin M. Foster
I have always felt a strong call to the prolife movement and the fight against abortion and euthanasia. Growing up, my faith and morals led me to recognize the intrinsic and irreplicable value that each human life has. From the moment of conception to natural death, all life is to be respected and cared for, no matter how different that life is from our own. When it came time for me to graduate college and I began to apply for jobs, I was excited to find an opening at Right to Life of Michigan and felt that it could be an opportunity to make a change for an extremely important cause. When I got the job, however, a part of me became fearful of what others might think of me.
At my time in college, I met many people who were pro-abortion. How would they respond when they asked where I would be working after school and I told them it was a prolife organization? I even feared that my prolife friends and family might think of this as a risky move. I received a bachelor’s degree in public relations; should I just find a PR job at a different company and not have to worry about what others think? Would my fiancé be placed in an uncomfortable situation when people ask her what her future husband does for work? All these questions made me hesitate and really contemplate the pros and cons of working in the prolife movement.
After much deliberation and prayer, I realized that shying away from this opportunity due to the expectations of others would be a grave mistake. To place the fear of public rejection over the chance to make a real impact would leave the unborn without my voice. While my voice may not be the loudest or most far-reaching, the collective call to change becomes more powerful as new voices join in. Walking away would mean I had the chance to make a change and chose not to.
So, I started working at Right to Life of Michigan, and have been rewarded with an opportunity to help those in need. And, sure, not everyone I know is thrilled to hear about my line of work, but the amount of support from the prolife movement and the feeling of doing something good far outweighs the voice of the opposition.
I encourage you to look at the opportunities in your life that public perception has made you hesitant to act on, especially within the prolife movement. You may have wanted to attend a local rally but were worried about harassment from abortion advocates. You may have wanted to wear a shirt that supports the unborn but didn’t want to receive any dirty looks from strangers. If everyone were to shy away from what makes the other side of the aisle “uncomfortable,” we would never have made the progress that we’ve seen today. Prolife marches across the United States would have never been organized. Prolife legislation would never have been introduced. Roe v. Wade would not have been overturned.
While joining the prolife movement may seem like fighting an uphill battle at some points, it is an uphill battle that is essential to saving lives. To give up would allow an extensive pro-abortion agenda to become commonplace in the United States. We must never allow ourselves to shy away from an important cause just because it isn’t popular with those around us.
For those hoping to make an impact in the prolife movement, myself included, we must focus heavily on those being directly affected by pro-abortion legislation. Women today are told that abortion is an empowering and freeing decision. The statistics show that many women undergoing abortion are coerced into having one, feeling as though they were given no other option, and they face long term stress and regret from their decision. It is so very important that we let pregnant women know that there IS another option, the beautiful choice for life. Joining the prolife movement is a chance to let pregnant women, who may feel alone or scared, know that there is a supportive community ready to care for her during and after her pregnancy.
Attend that rally. Donate to a prolife organization, namely Right to Life of Michigan. Share that prolife Facebook post. Do not be afraid to do what’s right and supportive of pregnant women. Lives are at risk, so every action matters.
Email any questions to Danny Earl at [email protected].