Category: Press Release
Second Anniversary of the Dobbs’ Decision
“We celebrate the long-awaited overturn of Roe v. Wade that reignited a national debate on life. This extraordinary opportunity has been overshadowed by the desperate attempts of big money donors and abortion-only special interests to politicize the issue for Democratic electoral gains,” stated RLM President Amber Roseboom.
Statement by Genevieve Marnon on Surrogacy legislation
“Right to Life of Michigan continues to be the leading organization supporting Michiganders and their efforts to grow their families. As you know, altruistic surrogacy has always been legal in […]
On Women’s History Month
While our friends and neighbors in communities across Michigan join to celebrate the many achievements of women, abortion-only Democrats in Washington D.C. and Lansing are instead attempting to mislead women with an election-year fantasy that abortion access in Michigan will evaporate under a national “ban.” …really a gestational limit on the window of time in…